Saturday, October 3, 2009


What is Pycnogenol?

Pycnogenol® (pic-noj-en-all) is the brand name for a premium herbal supplement ingredient extracted from the bark of the French maritime pine tree. That special pine bark is loaded with a concentrate of active bioflavonoids, which are also found in fresh fruits and vegetables. The extract from the pine bark is a potent blend of active compounds. Extensive research over a period of more than 35 years was dedicated to safety of Pycnogenol® and to substantiate the manifold benefits for human health of this extraordinary extract. Purity and potency of Pycnogenol® are continuously monitored and Horphag Research guarantees its constant high quality. (

The Pycnogenol Story

For generations, certain tribes of North American Indians used bioflavonoids extracted from the bark of pine trees for a variety of disorders. Because of its marvelous healing properties, they called this pine the Annedda, or "tree of life." These native Americans, who routinely ate deer as their primary source of nutrition, when confronted with scarcity of meat asked themselves. Where does the deer get its strength? They discovered that deer stripped away pine tree bark and were able to derive life-giving nutrients from its organic composition. It was also observed that devastating diseases such as scurvy did not afflict those who ate the bark, leaves or needles of this pine tree. In 1535, Jack Cartier learned of the medicinal value of the bark, which remained relatiely unknown until 20 or 30 years ago, when scientists reviewed his notes and commenced research. Cartier became caught in the bitter snows of Quebec, while attempting to navigate the St .Lawrence River. Cartier and his crew subsisted on hard biscuits and cured meat and eventually came down with what was believed to be scurvy. Scurvy is an abhorrent disease which causes a very slow and agonizing death. Several of Cartier's men died before they were approached by the Quebec Indians who prepared a tea they called "Annedda" from the bark of a certain native pine tree. The ment took the tea and used its leaves as poultices. Their recovery was almost immediate.What must have seemed like miraculous substance was technically, nothing more than vitamins with bioflavonoids naturally inherent to pine tree.

Where does Pycnogenol® come from?

The source of Pycnogenol® is a large forest of millions of acres in southwestern France near the famous Bordeaux region. The forest is a plantation of French maritime pine trees and represents Europe’s largest forest. The pine trees are cultivated over a period of 30-50 years. Neither pesticides nor herbicides are used in the forest. (

How does Pycnogenol® work to improve my health?

As one of the most potent natural scavenger of free radicals, Pycnogenol® mops-up all kinds of aggressive radicals, before they cause any damage by oxidative stress. Its super-antioxidant capabilities help boost the immune system and it strengthens blood vessel walls and capillaries. It supports a better circulation by preventing stress-induced constriction of arteries and blood clotting. Additionally the extract contains substances which act against cramps. (

Pycnogenol FAQ's :

Is Pycnogenol® safe?

Pycnogenol® is one of the most researched food supplements and has passed extensive safety tests. Toxicity test results demonstrated that Pycnogenol® is safe, even at high doses for long periods of time. To date, no serious adverse side effects had been observed or reported in clinical trials. Mild side effects as gastro-intestinal discomfort, headache, nausea and dizziness were seldom reported. Because of its astringent taste, which occasionally causes minor stomach discomfort, it is best to take Pycnogenol® with or after meals. Pycnogenol® is certified kosher and has earned Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status for applications in functional foods and beverages in the U.S. (

Is it available in the Philippines?

Pycnogenol is recently introduced in the Philippines and is exclusively distributed by SAMERICA CORPORATION. However, it had been used as a food supplement in the United Staes and other Western countries since the 1980s. It is BFAD approved.

Are the claims regarding the benefits of Pycnogenol reliable?

Pycnogenol is backed up with researches and clinical studies with more than 7000 people as clinical subjects. It is has 77 published clinical studies and 227 articles published in scientific and medical journals. It is protected by US patents as well as international patents. Just Google it or visit, and

Can pregnant women take pycnogenol safely?

Numerous preganant patients who are taking pycnogenol have not complained of any abnormal reaction. The study covers 22 months at this writing.

Can nursing mothers take pycnogenol, and is it harmful to the nursing child?

Many children I am acquainted with have been breast fed by mothers taking pycnogenol with no adverse side effects .One interesting case was a child that had contracted dermatitis all over her body. The mother started taking pycnogenol, and through her breast milk the child received enough pynogenol .Within two months the condition totally cleared.

How much pycnogenol should you take?

The generally recommended dose of pine bark extract is 30-150 mg/day.
Does pycnogenol have an effect on aging spots located on the hands, arms, face and foreheads of the elderly as well as middle-aged adults?
On many patients, the darkness and size of the aging spots (some call them liver spots) have diminished. In many cases these aging spots disappeared totally with continued use of the pycnogenol skin cream externally as well.

Will use of pycnogenol help to eliminate the need of insulin in diabetics?

Having worked and talked with many diabetics, I have not found one patient that was able to eliminate insulin totally, although the number of units of insulin in many cases have been dramatically reduced. Dr. Passwater and others have indicated in their research that in many cases, Type 2 diabetics have responded to pycnogenol and have had normal blood-sugar readings after taking pycnogenol for a substantial period of time.

Can pycnogenol be used in treating muscle and joint inflammatory conditions?

One of pycnogenol's outstanding features is that it acts as an anti-inflammatory agent without the side effects demonstrated by many of the over-the-counter anti-inflammatory formulas.



Pycnogenol is certified Kosher and Halal and has earned Generally Regarded As Safe(GRAS) status in the USA for its applications in foods and beverages. Additionally, Pycnogenol is a proprietary extract and is protected by several U.S. and international patents.